About Us

Our Company


InspecTerra Inc. is a service company in non-destructive testing for the condition assessment of infrastructure assets, including

  • reinforced concrete structures,

  • railway tracks,

  • storage tanks, and

  • surface and underground pipelines.

InspecTerra Inc. offers a unique patented scanning and analysis software solution to non-destructively detect corrosion and defects in ferromagnetic objects, such as reinforcement steel below the concrete surface.

InspecTerra Inc. provides leading expertise in detailed bridge deck condition surveys, parking garage inspection, corrosion monitoring, risk assessment and life cycle management, and technical training.


 “Accurate non-destructive assessment of the condition of reinforcement has the potential to result in millions of dollars of savings in maintenance costs of bridges across Canada. InspecTerra's technology will allow us to gain confidence in the existing conditions of a bridge to avoid over-scoping repair work.”

- Highway Standards Branch, Bridge Office
Ministry of Transportation Ontario


 InspecTerra Advantage

The condition assessment of infrastructure assets using InspecTerra's patented non-destructive testing (NDT) technology reduces the economic and financial impact of infrastructure aging, while enhancing safety.

Aging infrastructure poses a significant concern not only to societal safety and quality of life, but also to the environment. A significant amount of public infrastructure is in poor or very poor condition around the world, requiring extensive investment for inspection, repair, and rehabilitation. For reinforced concrete structures, the primary cause of reduced durability and service life is the corrosion of the reinforcement steel.

InspecTerra's patented technology platform offers a unique, reliable, time- and cost-effective, and environmentally friendly methodology for addressing infrastructure aging across a wide range of applications. The advanced scanning and software system is used to non-destructively detect and predict the state of degradation of the asset over time. By helping to prioritize the next inspection, maintenance, rehabilitation or decommissioning times, the overall risk can be assessed quantitatively over the remaining life of the asset.