InspecTerra (SP): Quantitative Corrosion Mapping Solution

InspecTerra Inc. offers a unique NDT scanning and analysis software solution for addressing infrastructure aging across a wide range of applications.



InspecTerra's patented iCAMMTM inspection system is used to non-destructively quantify and map the degree of corrosion and defects in critical structural elements (e.g., steel members and reinforcing steel). The method is entirely passive, and is not impacted by environmental conditions, such as salt and moisture.




The iCAMMTM tool has been used for the inspection of embedded reinforcing steel in various structures, including bridges, dams, and parking garages. It has also been used to rapidly map the corrosion in steel structures, and for the detection of external and internal flaws in railway tracks.



R & D

InspecTerra’s patented NDT technology has applications in many different areas, including flaw detection in railway tracks, the degradation (corrosion) assessment of surface pipelines, storage tanks, and marine structures and vessels (e.g., hulls of ships).


“We see a major potential for using iCAMM inspection method to identify maintenance needs of reinforced concrete structures and to extend their safe operating life. The most obvious benefits of the method over core drilling are it's non-destructive nature, shorter testing cycle and lower costs.”

- Environmental Services Department
City of Markham


 Our Partners


InspecTerra is proud to have been sponsored by the AC JumpStart innovative seed funding and mentorship program, funded by FedDev Ontario.

InspecTerra is proud to have been a participant in the IDEaS Corrosion Detection in Ships (CDIS) Sandbox in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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